Posts Tagged ‘glass’

more found art

January 8, 2009

Further to today’s earlier post about the assemblage art left behind by unknown citizens – this photo was taken behind the Cook shops and sent to me by David Wills at Turnstile.



October 23, 2008

The last few figures created out and about have all been from human detritus rather than leaves and flowers and such.  Not by conscious design, just the way it is.  Perhaps at the moment there has been so many materials to choose from, that it has been the “un-natural’ ones that have seemed like something new – the opportunity that couldn’t be ignored, where some of the others have seemed less urgent, or just not able to compete with other priorities at the time.  Anyway here they are: a terracotta pot man who reminds me of a modernist rendering of a carnival figure,  a glass man who  is reminiscent of mosaic, and a dust man reminiscent of, well, a dusty floor.

Glass men

September 11, 2008

Broken glass is scattered all around us underfoot, so perhaps it is almost surprising it hasn’t found it’s way into my work so far.  Well last week changed that when I made this fellow from broken glass against a wall on University Avenue

Today  I continued the glass theme with Mirrorman.  I was walking from Macquarie shops back to Cook where I noticed the pieces of mirror on the verge.  Most of the mirror was gone, taken away in the rubbish presumably.  Only these smaller fragments remained.

Then barely a hundred metres on and this chap sprung up.  The curves from the broken bottle led to this guy turning out rather on the muscled side – I guess it’s not a self portrait then!